I believe that our horror movie trailer is very conventional. The trailer follows Freytag's triangle theory, beginning with the exposition, followed by, rising action, the climax and falling action. The rising action occupies a larger proportion of the trailer, as this theory states it should. We have used longer shots that portray normality at the beginning whilst the trailer remains in a state of equilibrium. The trailer gradually builds in intensity as the mysteries unfold. The pace increases not only through the use of shorter shots but also through the use of sound. We arranged the soundtrack so that it would effectively accompany the editing. The way our trailer 'builds up' is conventional to that of a typical horror trailer. We also used intriguing captions throughout to help 'tell the story', which is another convention of movie trailers. When analysing the trailers for 'Pans labyrinth' and 'Eden Lake' I found that the use of captions completed the trailer. They were particulary key in the Pans labyrinth trailer as there was no dialogue or commentry. As our trailer would have little or no dialogue we decided to use captions to 'explain' the storyline. Each caption is in the same font style and colour helping the trailer to flow, something that is also commonly seen. We conventionally chose to end our trailer with the film title, names of cast/crew and a website address, as it is known that this way the audience are more likely to remember the name of the film - something that is extremely important. This was the case for all of the film trailers that I watched and analysed. We chose to film the majority of our horror trailer in an eerie woods as this sort of location fits the horror genre well. We wanted to find a location similar to the one in the film 'Eden Lake' (image on right). The mise-en-scene is also typical of a horror trailer. We darkened down many of the shots, altering brightness and contrast, to aid in portraying a tense, eerie atmosphere, as is seen in media of the horror genre. As well as this, the protagonist in our trailer is female, whilst the antagonist is male. This is often the case in horror movies. Much of the content of our trailer is typical of the horror genre, for example, our shots include, running, screaming, blood, a fearful victim and a threatening antogonist.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Throughout the process the group have gathered views and opinions of target audience members in aid of making our products as relevant and appealing as possible. Firstly, I posted a series of around 8 poll questions on my blog. I then sent the link to a random selection of people, asking them to visit my blog and fill out the questions. The sample size was small, only 18 people participated, however I believed that the results I gathered were still more than relevant as the vast majority of people that completed the question were of the age group we were targetting. The results that I gathered mostly helped to re-confirm decisions that we were looking to make. We made no real changes following the results, as peoples answers appeared to coincide with our original plans. This showed us that we were capable of making choices that would appeal to our target audience. The reason for this is likely to be that our group - me, Grace and Katie - also all belong to the target audience our products are aimed towards.
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout this coursework unit I have used a variety of media technologies. To start with I had to research and analyse actual media products, and chose to do this by using the internet. I started off looking at music videos as well as film trailers, as to begin with our group was unsure as to which we would produce. I used http://www.youtube.com/ to view a variety of trailers and videos. This site was extremely useful and seemed to contain every trailer or video I could think of. I would then used the embed code to post relevant videos to my blog. My blog was set up using Blogger, which is a free weblog publishing tool from Google. I used this blog to document all of my A2 coursework. As I also documented my AS coursework using Blogger, the technology was very familiar to me and so I had little or no issues with it. When it came to constructing our products we used a variety of different technologies. To begin with we had to learn how to use the HD cameras so that we could capture the footage that we needed for our film trailer. This was relatively simple, the camera, tripod and light that we were given were all easy to transport and simple to use. It took no time at all to figure out how everything worked. On location we also used a digital camera to photograph the images we needed for our promo package - this again was very quick and simple. Then came the tricky bit, actually constructing our products! I had to learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, a software that I had never come into contact with before. We used this software to edit together out film trailer. The initial process of dragging and cutting individual clips was relatively simple to begin with but soon became much more complicated once the music and effects were added. It took a while to get the hang of where all the tools were and how to use them, however once everything became more familiar the editing process was actually quite enjoyable. To construct our film magazine cover and film poster we used Adobe photoshop. We also used this software at AS level and so it wasn't completely alien, however it did take a while for me to reacquaint myself with how it all worked.